Mein Angebot
Diversity in Teams:
Diversitätsorientierte Teamprozess-Begleitung
"When I first began college, Freire`s thought gave me the support I needed to challenge the "banking system" of education, that approach to learning that is tooted in the notion that all students need to do is consume information fed to them by a professor and be able to memorise and store it. Early on, it was Freire`s insistence that education could be the practice of freedom that encouraged me to create strategies for what we called "conscientization" in the classroom. Translating the term critical awareness and engagement, I entered in the classroom. with the conviction that it was crucial for me and every student to be and active participant, not a passive consumer".
Zusammenarbeit & Positionierung
Als weiß positionierte queere Person, arbeite ich oft mit Kolleg:innen zusammen um diverse Räume anzubieten und somit einen Empowerment-Space und Reflektors-Raum zu ermöglichen.
Diversity in Teams | Teamprozesse
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